Grab some Bargain Handmade Oak Benches
A client of ours is down-sizing and would like to sell his 3 metre long Zen Benches with backs in the pictures below. They are in mint condition and located in West Berkshire. We can put you in touch with a really reasonable courier to deliver. He would like £400 per bench or £700 for the pair. They cost £1,470 each new, so they are an amazing bargain. Email with your interest. I’d really love to get a buyer for Tim, so please pass this on, tell your friends and friends of friends to share, and lets see what we can do!!!
Chairs & Dining Benches
Oak Dining Bench, Zen Dining Bench, Handmade Oak Benches, Chiswick Dining Bench, Dining Bench with Curved Base, Banquette Bench, Dining Benches with Backs